Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to "Lupin the Marathon" here on Reaction & Review. Oh boy, guys, I am really excited about this marathon that I'm about to start here! And yes, I am doing another themed marathon right after finishing my previous "Tales of the Longbox" marathon. And this marathon is gonna be dedicated solely to movies centered on the "Lupin the 3rd". Now, I've always wanted to do this particular marathon ever since I covered "The Secret of Harimao's Treasure" several years ago. And I decided for myself that I wasn't gonna cover any more Lupin movies until I had enough for a marathon. Well thankfully, I bided my time long enough, and it's finally paid off now that I'm pulling the trigger on this marathon.
And it's perfect timing, too. Because, not only is this a brand new theme marathon that I'm doing, it's also the 250th episode of Reaction & Review. Which is awesome to hit that milestone. So, yeah, I totally picked the right moment to do this whole thing. And we're gonna kick this marathon off with one of the first movies I ever bought in preparation for this marathon. It came out in 1996. That movie is "Lupin the 3rd: The Secret of Twilight Gemini".
Now, you're gonna hear me say this a lot throughout most of this entire marathon. I don't know a thing about this movie. And I literally do mean that. I know almost jack all about it. Now, there will be a couple of exceptions to all this much later on, but for now, I just want to focus on tonight's movie. And the only thing I actually know about it is, well, it's a movie about Lupin the 3rd, and there's some sort of treasure involved that he and his friends go after.
Beyond that, I know nothing else about it. I'm going into most of these movies as blind as I can, because I really don't want to be spoiled by any of them. I'm hoping this one will start off on a high note for this marathon. But the only way I'll know that for sure is if I shut up and I push play, and I'm gonna do that right now. So, without further ado, it's time to kick back, relax, and check out "Lupin the 3rd: The Secret of Twilight Gemini".
14 minutes later
So, this cult-looking group here that we just saw a moment ago, well, I'm now getting a second look at them as they're all together. And for some reason, their attire almost looks identical to the Klu-Klux-Klan. No seriously, guys, their robes are nearly similar to the KKK. Only difference being that they're not being dressed by white dudes, they're all Moroccan. Just felt like I wanted point that out since it's the first thing that came to my mind by just looking at them.
4 minutes later
You know, guys, I think this might be one of the closest times Lupin has ever gotten to doing it with Fujiko. Unfortunately for him, though, and probably Fujiko as well, he ditches her at the last moment so that he could get away from the Russian lady and her forces. At least, I *think* she's Russian. I could be totally wrong there. I'm not the best with deciphering accents.
14 minutes later
OK, guys, you know what? I will say that this flashback sequence is sorta unique, in the way that it's being played out as a silent film, even though there is a narrator speaking through the whole thing. Granted, I'm not totally sure why they couldn't get any voiceovers to do this segment instead, seeing as how you have a speaking narrator and all, but honestly, I'm not gonna complain about it too much. It's just something I wanted to mention is all.
6 minutes later
OK, that has got to be one of the fakest mustaches I've seen in a long time. And considering that it's a Lupin disguise, I'm surprised Zenigata or any of the officials near him are not picking up on this act quicker. I'm just saying, guys, that disguise probably would've looked better, had he not gotten stuck with that incredibly fake mustache. But perhaps that's just me.
9 minutes later
So I just learned something new today. I learned that Goemon can apparently play the flute. I never would've known that. I honestly thought it was just a background piece at first, but then I saw him play it, and I learned that he could do something other than meditate. You really learn something new everyday, don't ya?
11 minutes later
Guys, I just wanted to say right now that the music in this movie is great. Granted, that's a not a huge surprise, considering "Lupin the 3rd" has always had great music. But it's still worth mentioning, because it never fails to sound awesome.
8 minutes later
So, instead of leaving Laura in the quicksand like she told him to do, he decides to jump in with her because he's kind of an idiot that way. Dude, I know it's a girl and all, but you could've found a different way to save her before she drowns in quicksand. Then again, I've thankfully never been anywhere near quicksand myself, so I probably wouldn't know what to do with a straight mind myself in that situation. Either way, it was still kind of stupid of him to do that.
The Review
Well, guys, that was "Lupin the 3rd: The Secret of Twilight Gemini". Let me go ahead and shut the movie off here...OK. Well, I can start off by saying that I'm definitely gonna be in for a fun couple of months here with this marathon. This movie was pretty good. Now mind you, it's certainly not as good as the other 2 films I've seen in this series, such as "The Castle of Cagliostro" and "The Secret of Harimao's Treasure". But on it's own standards, it's a really entertaining film. And that, to me, is what I care most about in movies is if they're entertaining. And this one definitely fits that mold really well.
So, let's go ahead and start this review off proper by first going into the writing. The writing here is pretty good for the most part. Essentially, there's this treasure in Morocco that can only be opened by a gem called the "Twilight". And as you can guess, it's pretty much a key to that treasure that Lupin gets from an old man who wants him to go find it. Now there is a particular reason as to why he chose Lupin to go find it, other than the fact that he, himself, can't do it anymore, as he's very sick. And from the moment that Lupin lands in Morocco, he has to contend with other groups such as the Geltic's, which is the group that Laura, a supporting character, is a part of. The Secret Society, which is the group that has the KKK robes on them. And, of course, you have Detective Zenigata, who, of course, is after Lupin himself to arrest him. Which, for those of you who have no knowledge of "Lupin the 3rd", he's pretty much the Wile E. Coyote of the series. Mind you, I'm not saying that as an insult. It's just more of an observation as I am typing this.
So, the story here is pretty basic for the most part. It's really not too hard to follow. Though admittedly, it is pretty predictable. Like, when you first hear about the story involving the origins of the "Twilight" key and how it relates to Laura, you can pretty much guess everything else about her. And also, I should mention that there's another character in this movie that's also a part of the Secret Society that is after Lupin, since he has the "Twilight" key and that they want it to restore the Geltic's to their former glory. One of the members, who doesn't wear any ropes, basically looks like a woman, but it's confirmed that he's really a guy. Yeah, it's one of those androgynous characters that sorta threw me off a bit. But yeah, he's only here to kill Lupin, while at the same, also tangles with Goemon, who apparently knows him and wants to kill him. Yeah, that's never really expanded upon in the film, so it's just something that apparently exists just for the sake of existing.
While I'm kind of on the subject here, most of our characters here are establishing characters that you see from the "Lupin the 3rd" TV series and movies. I haven't read any of the comic strips, so I can't say anything about that one. But I will say that the characters are mostly likable. Mind you, characters like Goemon and Jigen, for example, have very short screen time here. So they're not in the movie for very long. Fujiko, on the other hand, definitely has more screen time, and it's also here that I need to mention that this movie has quite a lot of nudity here. There are several scenes here where you get to see Fujiko's boobs hanging out. And it's quite honestly surprising to me, because, I don't think I've *ever* seen this much nudity in a "Lupin" anything ever. The closest to anything like that would be if Fujiko is a wearing a swimsuit. But other than that, most of that was rather tame in comparison to this film. Then again, the version I have on DVD does advertise itself as it being the "Uncut" feature. Which makes me believe that this movie was probably aired on TV and they had to censor the boobs and all. Mind you, that's mostly just a guess from me, but it is something that I wanted to bring up because it's just something I noticed as I was watching it.
But otherwise, guys, the writing here, despite it being kinda predictable, is still pretty good here enough to where you could overlook some of the flaws the movie has with it's story. Now as for the acting, I'm going by what I watched from the English dub. And the dub here is pretty good for the most part. It was dubbed by Funimation, and they usually do a pretty good job with their dubs. This one is no exception. The one I have to give the most credit for is Sonny Strait as Lupin. When I first heard it here in this movie, it sounded a little bit off to me. And the main reason why I say that is because I'm mostly use to hearing Tony Oliver voicing Lupin more. That said, though, Sonny does do a good enough job to where he can match the characteristics of how Lupin is portrayed here. And the rest of the acting is pretty solid, too. But again, the actors from Funimation usually do a really good job with their voice work, so it's not too much of a surprise from me, honestly.
Animation here is mostly really good. This movie, along with most of the other Lupin films that I'm gonna be covering for this marathon, was made by TMS. Most of the time, their animations look great, especially when it comes to "Lupin the 3rd". But admittedly, this one does feel a little bit on the cheap side. Not terrible, mind you, but when you compare it to everything else that they've made that has Lupin's name on it, this one does feel a little bit on the unpolished side of things. The scene I mentioned earlier involving the flashback hits the worst of these notes, because most of the time, the animation there feels like they were cutting some corners when it comes to any of the characters running. That said, I don't know if that was done intentionally for the flashback sequence, or if it was just a budget issue. Either way, though, the animation for this movie could've been a little better with some polish here and there. But otherwise, the animation here is still really good in most of the other areas here. The color palettes are great, too, as everything is very colorful here. So yeah, animation, minus a few mishaps here and there, is pretty solid.
Sound-mix here is mixed very well. The music here is also really good, too. While it's not as memorable as other songs from the previous two Lupin films that I've seen, it's still really good to listen to. Both in score and in soundtrack.
So ultimately, guys, when all is said and done, am I able to recommend "Lupin the 3rd: The Secret of Twilight Gemini"? Most certainly, yes. This movie, while certainly flawed in certain areas, is still very entertaining. And I would totally recommend it to anyone who is a fan of "Lupin the 3rd". Now as for first timers getting into the series, I would say go watch something like "The Castle of Cagliostro", as that, in my opinion, is a great starting point for any newcomers to the series. But as for everyone else who is a fan, if you haven't seen this film yet, go ahead and check it out. It's definitely worth your time, and is very entertaining to watch. I would say that this movie borders on being a popcorn flick, where it's just there to have fun and knows it. So yeah, again, I can totally recommend this film to you guys, especially if you're a fan of "Lupin the 3rd". Now, as for myself, well...seeing as how I mentioned "The Castle of Cagliostro" just a moment ago, I'm gonna go ahead and watch that movie next, because it's, so far anyway, the best Lupin movie I've ever seen. So, I'm gonna go and do that next once I get done with this review.
And with that, guys, we come to the close of another Reaction & Review. Until next time, ladies and gentlemen, take care, and I will see you all later. Peace.
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