Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to "Tales of the Longbox" here on Reaction & Review. Tonight, guys, I'm gonna be checking out a horror movie from 2017. That movie is "Tokyo Ghoul".
Now, I do happen to remember watching "Tokyo Ghoul" on Toonami a few years ago, and I did wind up up enjoying it for what it was. Mind you, when I say that, I mean that I enjoyed only the first season of the show. Season 2 came around and, by the halfway point of the season, I wound up giving up on it. Because the story was not making any sense, and the way it ended, from what I remembered watching it anyway, was basically just trying to be art house bullshit, and ended up sucking because of that.
Now, setting the anime series aside, I was kinda surprised to discover that there was a live action adaptation movie of "Tokyo Ghoul" that existed. And I'm kinda intrigued by that concept alone, because I'm wondering how someone is able to turn a halfway decent series into a live action movie. Now, I know some people are already souring on the words "live action", because nowadays, there's been a bunch of those being released on streaming services. In other words, shows that were originally animated series getting turned into live action movies or shows, mostly for the sake of adding content. However, the good news here is that at least this one was made in Japan, so there is a possibility that it could be good.
Now as for what I know about "Tokyo Ghoul", all I know is that the main character is named Ken Kaneki, and he ends up turning into a vampire/human hybrid. At least, that's what I sorta remember about the series anyway. Again, it's been quite a few years since I last watched the series, so I may be missing out on some details there. Hopefully, the movie will be able to refresh my memory here, and maybe it'll end up being rather good. But the only way I'm gonna find out for myself is if I shut up and I push play, and I'm gonna do that right now. So, without further ado, it's time to kick back, relax, and check out "Tokyo Ghoul".
8 minutes later
All right...well, that certainly took a left turn there. Mind you, it's not often that I see someone taking a bite out of someone's shoulder while hugging them, but this is one of those rare times that it happens. And it's *also* rare to see your girlfriend's eyes turn blood red, too. Yeah, I think it's safe to say that it just hasn't been Kaneki's day at all, hasn't it?
15 minutes later
OK, I have a question here, and it's sort of a stupid one, but I still want to ask it. So, we've just learned a moment ago from some scientist that says that ghouls can't eat the same kind of food humans can, because their tongues have a different taste and it's gonna end up being disgusting to them. Now if I remember correctly, Kaneki does end up working at a cafe, where they serve coffee and such. And I'm going to assume that he does end up drinking coffee there as well. Now, assuming that is the case, and I could be totally wrong here, because, again, I haven't seen the show in quite a long time, what makes coffee so special to ghouls? Is it like, the taste itself, that intrigues them? Does their tongues have some kind of natural born ability that makes them immune to coffee or something? Again, I totally understand that it's been a long time since I last watched the anime series, but I am really curious about that, and hopefully, this movie will provide some kind of explanation for it.
17 minutes later
OK, I have another dumb question here, but is anyone gonna ask why Kaneki has his eye bandaged up like that? I know the reason why Kaneki himself is covering it up, but it's strange to me that neither his best friend nor the other guy, who is also a ghoul, has asked him that. It's just kinda bugging me a little bit, you know what I mean?
19 minutes later
Wait, hang on a second here. So, Touka is trying to, well..."stomach" the food she had eaten a little while ago. And now, she just drank water to help alleviate some of the pain. So, am I to assume that water is also another kind of a liquid that they can just somewhat tolerate? Now, perhaps I'm misinterpreting this in some way, and she's using the water as some kind of medicine in case she was forced to eat human food, but it still leaves me wondering what exactly they're OK on digesting.
12 minutes later
Wait, so these two detectives have dug up the grave where Kaneki went to, to pay respects to Hinami's father. And inside his grave, they find a mask. Now, the mask itself is not really what I wanted to bring up. What I'm bringing up is the fact that they *never* checked the cloth that Hinami had wrapped up for Kaneki, which contains coffee beans. Coffee beans, I should mention, are from the same cafe that Kaneki works for. Wouldn't they be able to trace that information back to the coffee shop, which is essentially a safe haven for ghouls? Granted, I'm not sure how well that would work out, but the fact that they never checked that first seems kind of like an ass-backwards decision, you know what I mean?
18 minutes later
You know what, guys, I've been holding this off for quite a while now, but I think now is the perfect time to mention this. The CG in this movie is, uh...well, it leaves a lot to be desired. I'm gonna get more into this later when I eventually review this movie. But just to let you guys know now, I'm *very* on and off when it comes to the CG in this movie. I'll just leave it at that for now.
The Review
Well, guys, that was "Tokyo Ghoul". Let me go ahead and shut the movie off here...OK. Well...what to say about this movie? You guys probably noticed that I've been asking a lot of questions about this movie. Some of those I'll get into later on, but I am gonna say, first and foremost, that this movie isn't terrible. In fact, I wouldn't even call this a bad movie at all. It's actually pretty good. Mind you, when I say it's "pretty good", I am in no way saying that the movie is great or anything. But as it is, it certainly is a decent movie. Both as an adaptation of it's anime/manga counterpart, and as a pretty decent standalone horror flick as well.
So, why don't we start this review off proper, as I usually do with a lot of these reviews, by first discussing the writing. Now, as I mentioned at the start of this thing, I haven't seen the "Tokyo Ghoul" anime series in a number of years. I've also tried reading the manga at one point in time, but I don't really remember my experiences with the manga all that well. Most of that is gonna come from the anime. And like I said, I really only enjoyed the first season, and season 2...well, let's leave that aside, since it has no bearing on this movie. But anyway, since I haven't seen or read anything from this series in a long time, my memory of it is not gonna be as strong as it was back when I first watched it on Toonami all those years ago. That said, though, as I've established many times beforehand, I review these kinds of adaptations as it's own thing, rather than try and compare it to whatever source material it originally came from. So, any details I may have potentially missed from my time then are not gonna really play a factor here now.
With that said, though, I do think the movie has plenty enough to be able to stand on it's own merits. To begin with, the movie is about 2 hours long. And for the first hour or so, they spend that time delving into Kaneki's origin story about how he ended up getting bitten by a ghoul, and how he eventually ends up turning into one himself. And from there one, it's mostly about him trying to slowly adapt to his new lifestyle where he can't really eat the same kind foods that he normally would, thanks to him being a ghoul. He has to feast on human blood in order to survive, much like any other ghoul. And you can tell that it's eating him up inside, knowing all this, which shows a lot of humanity to the character, especially knowing that he had gotten into all this by accident. In fact, if there's one thing I can definitely give this movie is that they really do a good job of making you care about our main character. Most of the other characters are mostly just kinda there, but there is one more exception to this, whom I'll get to in a minute here.
But as for the rest of the writing, there is a couple of things that I wanted to discuss here. First of all, you guys probably noticed that I asked a lot of questions about certain things. Some of which don't really ever get properly answered. For starters, I brought up the whole thing about Kaneki getting to work at the coffee shop shortly after getting a sip of coffee himself. I asked why is coffee so special to ghouls and why the taste attracts them? Well...they never really say why. In fact, the owner of the coffee shop even admits that himself. So, that little detail never gets properly explained at all in this movie. Another thing is that there's another story going on where we focus on a group of investigators going through a case involving a ghoul that wears a certain type of ring around their finger. The only real problem with this whole thing is that the movie just jumps you right into it, and you're left wondering if this anything to do with the film itself. It does, of course. but to be perfectly honest, it's probably the weakest part of the writing here, as you're not gonna be as invested into it, unlike the character depth that our main characters have.
Speaking of which, there is one other character, besides Kaneki, that I wanted to talk about. It's a character that I was the most curious about, because it was a character that I really liked back when I was watching the anime. The character I'm referring to is Hinami. For those of you who don't know, Hinami is a young girl that is also a ghoul, along with her mother, whom she lives with. And the thing that made Hinami the most likable character for me was that childlike innocence to her, and, without going into any spoilers about her, despite everything she has gone through, she still maintains that innocence to her character. And I was wondering if this movie was gonna be able to adapt her character depth well enough here. And well...yes, I can safely say that they did. Now, I don't think it's as good as it was in the anime, but again, this movie did a good enough job adapting her character arc, to where I can say that it makes her character just as good as Kaneki's is here. So yeah, again, the character depth in this movie is really good, when it comes to both Kaneki and Hinami.
So, as a whole, the writing here is pretty good. Though there are some slip-ups here when it comes to the story, most of it can be ignored, as long as you don't read too much into the missing details. Fans of the series might say otherwise, though I wouldn't really know for sure since I haven't met anyone that knows about this movie. But anyway, regardless of all that, the writing here is still pretty good. And as for the acting, well, I ended up watching the subtitled version with the Japanese audio, because that's what I got when I first pushed play on the menu screen. And I can say that the acting from the cast here is great. No matter the role, everybody turned in 110% with their performances here. Nobody phones it in, and I couldn't detect any signs of phoned in acting either. Which is great, because it shows me that everybody in this movie gave a damn about turning in an awesome performance, and they did. So, props to the entire cast here for turning in the best performance that they did here.
Special effects...oh boy, um...well, I can't really get around this subject without mentioning the CG. The best way I can describe this movie's CG is that it is *definitely* a mixed bag here. And the one effect that's gonna either make or break this movie for you guys is how you feel about the tentacles, each time that a ghoul unleashes them from their body. I'm gonna tell you, guys, the first time I saw this in action, it really didn't look that great. It wasn't completely awful, but it just seemed somewhat off-putting to me. And the rest of the movie's CG is like that too. Some shots look OK, but then there are other shots involving the tentacles that just look kinda terrible. And I can't really pinpoint any particular scene in the movie because, like I said, almost every shot involving these CG tentacles are like that. So really, it's something that you're either gonna really get use to, or it's gonna pull you out of the movie entirely. For me, it was something that I eventually got use to, but I obviously can't guarantee that it'll be like that for everyone else. There's also a few cases of CG blood, and, well...it's also kinda terrible as well. Granted, it's not the worse case of CG blood I've seen in a movie, but that's not really saying very much, so I'll just leave it at that.
Camerawork here is pretty good. Lighting, in most cases, looks really good, but there are a few shots where it could've been better. Now admittedly, there are a few shots in the movie where it'll attempt to hide the CG tentacles. Probably because those shots, in particular, are some of the worst in the movie. Though whether that was actually intentional or not is something I can't say. But anyway, the sound-mix here is mixed pretty well. And the music here is just OK. Nothing about the score here is great, but it's nothing horrible either. It's just there, really.
So yeah, the technical stuff here works fine for this movie. And with all that said, am I able to recommend "Tokyo Ghoul"? I would say yes, especially if you're a fan of the series in general. As for non-fans, well, I would say it's still worth checking out, if at least just once. Which is probably the camp I'm sitting in right now, because I really don't see myself watching this thing a second time. Now let me be clear again: The movie *is* good. But as I mentioned before, I'm not really the biggest fan of "Tokyo Ghoul", and this movie didn't exactly win me over as a die-hard fan. Now I do know that there is a sequel to this movie, though I can't guarantee that I'll ever cover the sequel. It just depends on the timing, really. Right now, I don't see myself covering it anytime soon. But as for this movie, by itself, I would still recommend checking it out. And who knows, maybe as a non-fan, you'll probably end up watching it more times that I did. But as for me, I'm just gonna stick to the once-over in this case. And on that nte, I'm gonna go and watch something different. Perhaps maybe I'll watch my copy of... "Wicked City". I haven't seen that one in quite a while, so I'm gonna go do that next once I get done with this review.
Anyway, guys, with that, we come to the close of another Reaction & Review. Until next time, ladies and gentlemen, take care, and I will see you all later. Peace.